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Earn £40 GiftPay voucher, 60 minutes 1-2-1 Online Website testing and discussion - Have you been unemployed this last year?

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Submitted 3 years ago by an admin
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We are hoping to speak with individuals who have been unemployed in the last year and would like to recruit individuals with a range of technology skills. We need some people who may struggle with technology or online forms, to make sure a process is simple for all. Please apply now!

  • When

    Wednesday 13th - Thursday 14th April
  • Where?
    UK wide
  • How much will I get paid?
    £40 GiftPay voucher
  • Duration
    60 minutes
  • What time?
    9.00am - 5.00pm
  • What is the nature of the research?
  • How is the session being conducted?
  • What will I be doing?
    Website testing and discussion
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